Friday, January 24, 2025

Take Care Of Your Clothes!

Humans seek fast in everything, right from food to travel. Clothes are no exception to this scenario. This need for speed results in various hazards. Fast food is a way unhealthy life. Whereas, fast fashion is a way of unhealthy life as well as environment. The only solution to this is keeping up with the balance. Or else, eliminating the unnecessary fast for the sake of as a better lifestyle choice. 

You can do this in various ways. For instance, you can switch to a healthy diet plan to reduce the risk of heart diseases. To avoid an environmental hazard you can switch to sustainable fashion. But, only having a sustainable lifestyle is not enough. A sustainable wardrobe itself means making more out of everything you have. You need to maintain it for as long as you can. This is possible if you increase the lifespan of your clothes by taking proper care of them. If you expand the average lifespan of a garment by 3 months of use per item, it can do wonders. Warp says that it can reduce water, carbon, and fabric waste by 10% approx. 

Making this change is not easy at all. There are various lifestyle changes you will have to incorporate to achieve it. Here are a few ways in which you can increase the lifespan of your clothes. Hence, making it as sustainable as possible.

  • Quality over Quantity

You must always go for good quality. Investing in a better quality of clothes is always a smart choice. Good quality costs more because it is made from strong materials. Also, they pass the test of time. These clothes can take on multiple washes and do not wear out easily. Hence, these are proved to have a good lifespan. When you are looking for quality, it is also important that you make sure what is essential in your wardrobe. Also, note that every cloth with a high price has good quality. The key is to look for high-quality fabric and a well-stitched outfit. Organic cotton and linen are natural fabrics. Sometimes, finances do not allow us to go for such a high range of clothes. Therefore, you can always opt for second-hand clothes. It will take some time and energy but will be worth a while. 

  • Wash only if needed!

Washing your clothes in the washing machine can damage them. An unpopular opinion says that washing the clothes less can keep them in good condition. Garments like jeans and sweaters were particularly designed that way. They are made for this. Although, clothes like t-shirts or yoga pants should be washed regularly after using them. They are more likely to have sweat and dirt on them. You must have noticed that with every wash the color and the texture of that cloth are degraded. They also shrink when put into a dryer. Hence, wash your clothes only if they smell or have actual dirt on them. 

  • Care labels are important

A person who cares for his clothes will never ignore the labels that come with them. These labels are usually on the collar at back. These labels have an important role in the well-being of the clothes. They are a guide for washing and drying a particular garment. If you ignore the labels, there is a possibility that your clothes will be not good to use in few months. People easily cut them off because they are itchy and cause discomfort. Next time, before cutting the label off, make sure you take a picture of it and wash that garment accordingly.


Love them!

The most important hack of all is to love your clothes. Because, if you do not love your clothes you will not wear them and therefore it will be easier to get rid of them. Finding new clothes that you love will be time-consuming and money-consuming. But once you find that perfect outfit, voila! Everything else will just fall into place. Just match them up with cute accessories and a pair of footwear. You are ready to rock any phase of your life!


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