Friday, January 17, 2025

Patriotism all the days

Patriotism means the feeling of love, respect, and loyalty for the nation. Patriotism is positive energy that is put in the interest of one’s nation first, working for its turn of events and forfeiting for it if needed. Many individuals presume that patriotism is tied in with laying one’s life for his/her nation yet it does not really imply that. It implies living for the advancement of the nation, serving it in every way, and being ready to forfeit one’s life at whatever point there is a need.

We as Indians, are very well aware of the importance that the month of January holds for us. We are coming close to our 73rd Republic Day. India celebrates Republic Day with massive fervor. It is a proud day for everyone as it brings people together. It emphasizes the joy of unity amidst diversity.

Our country became a sovereign, secular, socialist, democratic republic country on 26 January 1950, as our constitution came into effect on this day. Which is almost three years post-independence.

Talking about Republic Day or even Independence Day brings a gush of emotions every time. The spirit of patriotism unveils in us and we remember the people who lost their lives at that time. We all use the word patriotism very boldly and call ourselves patriots. But what Is the true meaning of it?

Many individuals in the past have served the nation and surprisingly laid their lives for it. They could not have cared less with regards to themselves and turned out benevolently for the country. Indeed, even today, many individuals are devoted to serving the country in the manner they can. Be that as it may, the sensation of nationalism Is gradually blurring and is limited to Republic and Independence day only. The spirit of doing something good for the nation, be it big or small should be throughout the year.

How to be patriotic all days?

Register your vote:
This is one of the first steps to show your love for your country. Register and also exercise your vote. This way you contribute to choosing the right leaders who would lead the country forward. One vote can change the entire result. So, exercising the power to vote, can help you contribute to the betterment of the county. As a good leader would take decisions that are in the favor of the whole country and not just a handful.

Inspire others:
Teach the young minds, starting at home to love the country. Teach them to respect the country, the flag, the front liners. Encourage them to contribute even though it is just by helping someone. As elders, we hold a great responsibility for shaping younger minds. What we teach them as kids is what stays with them their entire life. Teach them at a young age what it is to be a patriot. That whatever little they do to for the country, is big.

Follow what you preach:
Set an example for the ones around you. Not just the younger ones but also your friends and family. Help them understand that patriotism can be shown by any act of nobility. Even if you help the needy by giving them one time meal, it is an honorable act. It counts in the building of the nation.

Clean up:
Make sure that the area you live in is clean. Participate in clean-up drives to make your country look more beautiful. Plant trees, go eco-friendly. Having a clean and green environment not just makes your locality look better but also improves the overall look of the country. You might think, just you doing it makes no difference. But it does. Who knows your neighbor gets encouraged by seeing you do this and then they also start doing so? One good act can help build a positive and a better environment for everyone.

Being patriotic does not always mean sacrificing your life. Rather, whatever way you can help build the nation is patriotism. The love for making big of our country should be alive in us throughout the year. “Unity in diversity” is said so that we can work together to make a better place for everyone. Even the smallest gesture of ours contributes to the building of our country.

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